
Latest News

Professor McBride’s work on promoting reading, writing, and mathematics achievement, as well as general development in children, has often been quoted and referenced in news. These are some examples:

A poor excuse for a childhood...

By Wang Yuke (HK Edition) The HK government is working hard to foste ...


Hong Kong twins may unlock riddles of Chinese language...

Wanted: 600 pairs of twins, aged five to seven who could give researchers a ...


CRF Tips (Business Studies, Humanities and Social Sciences Group)...

RGC Town Hall Meeting on Collaborative Research View on YouTube ...


CUHK develops research-based early literacy website for Chinese children offering effectiv...

To promote the knowledge of early Chinese literacy learning, the Lifespan D ...


Literacy depends on nurture, not nature, education professor says...

A University at Buffalo education professor has sided with the environment ...


China battles with a growing addiction to internet games...

The number of internet users in China is growing by 200,000 a day and is no ...
